The Problem
Millions of pets end up in shelters each year due to:
Tragically, about 4 million
of these healthy and adoptable pets are killed each year in America’s shelters
More than 9,000 pets
per day
6+ Pets Per Minute
are killed in shelters
However, an estimated
90 Percent
of the animals that enter shelters are adoptable, or could be, with care and treatment
A recent national survey shows that Americans are in the dark about animal shelters and pets
Nationally, half of Americans estimated that 500 animals die in shelters across the country. When in fact, it’s more than 9,000. That’s off by more than 8,500 animals per day.
Forty-eight percent of those surveyed believe that shelter animals are eventually claimed by their owners, adopted or transferred to another rescue organization. In fact, for millions of animals that go to shelters, it is their last stop.
How you can help fix the problem
Spaying and neutering means that fewer animals are going into shelters. Spaying or neutering 5 pets of lower income residents per 1,000 residents causes a reduction in shelter intake of 30% in 5 years.
Fosterinig adds to rescue efforts & socializes pets, making them more adoptable.
Adoption gets animals out of shelters and into homes.
Volunteering powers the saving of lives.
Donations and grants fund animal organizations & life-saving programs
Spreading the word on facebook and twitter amplifies our reach.